World History Syllabus – Ms. Welsh
Class Expectations:
Be prepared for class each day. Each student must come with pens or pencils and three-ring binder with paper. In addition, your textbook should be brought to class each day. I also recommend purchasing a USB/Flashdrive to save class projects on.
Be on time. Students must be inside the classroom when the bell rings and proceed directly to their desk after turning in homework. Three tardies will result in a detention. If you are absent for class, it is your responsibility to check on the board for missed work and get any necessary paper work from the appropriate absence binder in the classroom.
Respect the teacher, guests, other students, and the classroom. All school regulations outlined within your student handbook also apply within the classroom. Disrespect towards people or property will not be tolerated. Interfering with the learning of others is disrespectful and will result in disciplinary action. Disrespectful behavior includes talking when the teacher or another class member is speaking, using profanity, or leaving your seat without cause. Participation in class is strongly encouraged, but you will be expected to raise your hand. Electronic devices are not permitted at any time. Also, permission to leave class will only be granted if you have a pass to do so, so please use your hall passes and passing period/lunch break wisely.
Demonstrate academic honesty. Students are to complete all coursework independently unless otherwise specified. If you need help with an assignment ask me! Copying or allowing others to copy your work will result in a zero for the assignment and disciplinary action as outlined in the student handbook.
Complete homework on time. Homework will be assigned regularly and graded for completeness and accuracy. All student work must be clear and legible with your name and class period on the top of the page. I will make sure all assignments for the week are clearly posted on the board each day. I recommend writing assigned homework within an assignment notebook at the beginning of class to stay organized. Late assignments will be accepted (with the exception of study guide homework or when otherwise specified) for partial credit until the assignment has been graded and turned back or the grading quarter ends.
Ask for help if you need it. History can be challenging, but you will learn that I will do anything I can to help you succeed inside and outside the classroom. I am available before and after school and also during my lunch if you have any questions or concerns. I understand you have other responsibilities and challenges outside of this class. If there are circumstances that may be affecting your class performance, please come and discuss them with me so we can make arrangements to help you succeed. I want to help you, so please be responsible for letting me know how I can do this!

What you can expect from me:
- I will come to class each day with organized lessons and clear instructions.
- I will always have a positive attitude and welcome and encourage questions.
- I am generally available in my classroom from 7:15am until 15 minutes after the school day ends if you need help withanything. If these times don’t work for you, please let me know and I will be happy to accommodate you.
- I will provide feedback, update grades, and pass back assignments in a timely manner.
- I believe communication with parents and students is vitally important. I will update parents/guardians regarding any concerns I have about student progress/grades frequently. Also,please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. The best way to reach me is by email. My e-mail address is:
Please sign, detach, and return to me.
I have read the course syllabus and expectations and understand what is expected.
Student Name and Signature
Parent Name, Signature, and Phone or email